PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom) delivered 100 units of personal computer to be distributed to schools in West Java in order to make the program of Jejaring Pendidikan Nasional more effective. The contribution was delivered by the Marketing Senior Manager of Enterprise Division of Telkom, Nurul Hermina to the Head of Departement of National Education (Dinas Pendidikan Nasional) of West Java , Dr. Dadang Dally in the “Sosialisasi dan Survey Jardiknas” for 16.000 Bandung high school students in Sasana Budaya Ganesha Bandung (April 2, 2007). The event was organized by IZI Consulting – a education consultant located in Bandung and would be held in April 2-5, 2007. There was also High Education, Training, and Technology Exhibition 2007 involving IT experts from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).
The Vice President of Public and Marketing Communication of Telkom, Eddy Kurnia, said that the cooperation between Telkom and Depdiknas had a very strategic value for education world’s development in Indonesia . This program was aimed to build the access and ICT’s usage maximally in education world with first priority is to the event distribution of IT access. For it was being concerned important, this program then gathered a wide support including support from Indonesian IT experts such as Budi Rahardjo, Ph.D. dan Ir. Dimitri Mahayana, M. Eng –both are lecturers of Sekolah Tinggi Elektro dan Informatika (STEI) ITB.
Depdiknas –through its cooperation with Telkom- have had and will always keep developing a infrastructure network of national scaled communication data which connects central of Depdiknas with dinas pendidikan offices in cities of Indonesia and universities. Telkom’s infrastructure usage which is being conducted widely in Indonesia , as Nurul Hermina stated, is fully hoped to make an effective jardiknas program so it may support the progress of education process nationally at last.
The usage of Jardiknas today includes : Jardiknas Kantor Dinas/Institusi (Diknasnet), Jardiknas Perguruan Tinggi (INHERENT), Jardiknas Sekolah (SchoolNet), serta Jardiknas Guru dan Siswa (TeacherNet and StudentNet).
Digital Divide
The contribution of 100 units of new PC by Telkom, according to Nurul Hermina, is aimed for schools in West Java which haven’t had their own computers. This priority is held to realize the vision of similarity of chance to progress through the chance of even distribution in accessing information for students in West Java .
According to the perspective of national telecommunication, Jardiknas program may reduce digital divide among schools in all rural areas which are relatively left behind compared with other schools in cities. “We’ve seen the contribution of 100 PCs to schools in West Java as the part of Telkom’s corporate social responsibility as the ICT operator to the society.
Improving competitive superiority
Through the cooperation, Jardiknas is hoped to bring up the collective awareness of educated society in Bandung dan West Java about the importance of information and communication technology –especially Jardiknas- in the world of education. Furthermore, the collective awareness is hoped to enable the rising of collective energy to accelerate the usage of information and communication technology in improving the quality of education process.
The cooperation is also hoped to be the role model for a good cooperation of many elements of society, especially ABG (Academician, Business and Government) who are together supporting the development of national education. Taken as the example, this event would like to represent the A (Academician) as IZI Consulting which involved eligible experts such as Budi Rahardjo, Ph.D (IT experts from ITB), DR. Ir. Dimitri Mahayana (ITB), Ir. Khairul Ummah, MT (ITB), Ir. Agus Ngermanto (ITB); the B (Business) as PT Telkom Tbk; and the G (Government) as the Jardiknas and Depdiknas of West Java area.
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