Friday, February 20, 2009

Data Security Tips

Whenever you meet data protection company they have lot many things to tell you. Only few tell you the basics. Here are some data security tips, which will be of great help to you.

1) Always buy software programs from a secured gateway only.
2) Install a firewall on your pc and see that it is regularly updated.
3) Install regular updates on your computer. Enhanced / higher version provides great security.
4) Lock your computers with a password. Therefore, in your absence, no one can misuse the data on your system.
5) Never share your passwords / personal information with anyone.
6) Regularly take back up of work you have done on computer. Never let it loose.
7) Never dispose your old computer without securely deleting the information. You may use some of the professional software erase your hard drive when anyone tries to tap the information from your personal computer.

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