Monday, February 23, 2009

Use of technology is making me forget things

I was thinking about how dependent I have become on technology and I simply cannot imagine my life without it. Let me confess that I had a bad dream last night around what would happen to me if technology is taken away from me. Yeeeks .. Pretty scarrry…. I am actually curious to hear from you on what other skills you are forgetting because of extensive use of technology in your life?

  • I used to be good at reading maps. I am slowly forgetting the skill to use maps, fold maps and search for quickest routes to get to my destination. I am doing to be "navigationally impaired" because I depend on my GPS to get me anywhere. I don't even have a map book in my car anymore --- I don't know what will happen to me if my GPS stops working.
  • I used to be pretty good at remembering phone numbers. I no longer use that memory skill anymore. I am now completely dependent on my cell phone - phone book and I also use the voice activated blue tooth in my car to call people. I don't know what will happen to me if I am lost somewhere without my cell phone and I can't remember any phone numbers to call for HELP! (Note to self - remember a few important numbers).
  • I used to be pretty good at writing letters. I am now completely dependent on a word processor and email. The only time my pen touches a paper is when I have to sign. I have become a slave of spell checkers and email. I don't even shop for greeting cards anymore. It is all done online. I have not posted (snail mailed) a letter or a card to anyone in many many years. I am really scared if someone takes away my email and a word processor and forces me to write a real letter.
  • I used to be pretty good with numbers. I could pretty much do complex math/ calculations on paper. I used to be really proud that I could use logarithmic tables to perform complex divisions. I have now become "math challenged". I am now totally dependent on a calculator. I look for a calculator on my phone or my computer even to do simple math. I really don't know what will happen to me if I have to solve a complex math problem on paper.
  • I used to be pretty good at remembering birthdays, and other important dates for my family and friends. I now use services like Amazon birthday reminders and facebook birthday reminders. I have even scheduled reminders for my wife's birthday on Amazon and I get a email 1 week before and on the day of her birthday -- just so that I don't forget. Oh my god, what would happen to me if that service is taken away from me. I know I will be in big trouble.
  • I used to be pretty good at finding the meaning of words using a dictionary. I don't own a dictionary or a thesaurus anymore. I am completely dependent on the web to find the meaning of words or use a word processor to find synonyms, etc. I am now completely dependent on a word processor program.
  • I used to be pretty good at organizing tasks, remembers things-to-do, etc. I now use my email calandar, google calendar and task lists to manage my life. Everything in my life is a task or a calendar item -- work priorities, reponding to emails, doctor appointments, travel plans, dinner with my wife, strecth break, tea break .. everything I have to do should be reminded. I don't think I can get anything done without it being on the task list. I am a task list/calendar addict.
  • I used to be good at remembering email addresses and web site URLs. I am now totally dependent on google to take me to a website or use bookmarks. I use email contact list to find people and remember only a very few email addresses. If I lose my email contact list, I know I will be doomed.
  • I used to be pretty good at finding the right books in the library and used to enjoy setting in the library and doing my reasearch. I have not stepped into a library in ages to conduct research. I am completely dependent on the web to find the information I want. Take away the internet from me and I will be really hard pressed to do anything. I might have seizures with extreme withdrawal symptoms.
  • I used to enjoy scanning/reading the newspaper and I used to actually eagerly wait for one to be delivered everyday in the morning. I now only read news online. Especially after my Amazon kindle addiction… I am afraid that I will eventually forget how it feels like to hold a real book or a printed newspaper.
  • I used to be good at finding new music. I used to enjoy going to the music store to look for new music. I am now completely dependent on iTunes and Pandora radio to help me find new music I like. I only buy music online. I have not bought a music CD in a long long time.
  • I used to depend on my friends for advice on buying things or for movie suggestions. I am now completely dependent on online user reviews for buying things and deciding on which movie to go watch.
  • I used to be good at calling my friends and talking to them regularly. I only send facebook messages or write on orkut scrapbook or IM or send an email. I don't think I can recognize voices anymore, I hate when somebody calls and asks me .. "can you guess who this is" - sorry, I have lost that skill.

I am not sure how long I can actually survive without any technology, PC, cellphone, email or web. It will be a nice experiment. I think I will survive with the help of some therapy and support groups, but I won't be happy about it. What scares me the most is that I see a new generation of kids growing up without even learning any of the skills I am afraid of losing. I don't know if it is a good or a bad thing.

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